Tag Archives: prow

The Longship has been Launched


After many delays, the button was finally pushed last night and www.jorn.com is currently migrating to its new host (from Word Press to its new home on Weebly). I am told this process will take 24-48 hours to complete. Consequently, this is the last post I will have here.

The URL (www.jorn.com) will remain the same and those following me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Etsy, etc. will likewise be unaffected by the change. It is only those who chose to follow me directly on this blog that will need to re-opt in once the newly designed site has propagated in order to continue receiving email alerts when I have a new blog posted.

My first blog entry on the new platform will be posted on Friday and will be titled “A Journey of Self Discovery.” So, if this pops up in your email box on Friday, you don’t need to do anything. If it doesn’t, simply go to www.jorn.com and re-follow the blog and that should fix it for you.

My reason for the switch is simple – I wanted to add a free-standing storefront, membership/subscription functions and an integrated newsletter as well as several other exciting new features that WordPress does not currently offer.

I am extremely excited about the new site and have many plans for it in 2018. It will offer many new opportunities for those who follow and collect my work as well as those with a general interest in Norse mythology and the Viking Age. I hope you will all join me on this journey.


Viking Prow: Drakkar

After a long delay and many requests from collectors, the second piece in my Viking Prow series is now in production and available for order.

Prow2-main.jpgThis series was originally conceived as a tribute to the mystery and majesty of ancient Scandinavian culture during the Viking Era in general, and specifically to celebrate the 950th anniversary of the battles of Stamford Bridge and Hastings. These twin battles mark what many consider to be the end the Viking Era. However, since the Normans (or North Men) who ultimately conquered England by defeating Harold II’s Anglo-Saxon army at Hastings in 1066 were themselves the descendants of Vikings, it is also the completion of a great story arc.

Like the first in the series released in 2015 (Viking Prow: Coiled Serpent), this second piece in the series stands an impressive 17 inches tall (slightly taller than the first) and is also a bit beefier overall with bolder lines and details. This is meant to reflect the brute power of the drakkar (dragon). Weighing about 4 pounds, it is a solid piece meant to stand on desk, shelf or pedestal.


Each sculpture in this series is strictly limited to 95 signed and numbered castings along with a handful of artist proofs. They are cast, assembled and painted by hand, then clear-coated for a long life.

When this bold and brutish Viking Prow: Drakkar is placed beside the smoother lines and fine detail of the Serpent Prow, they are a wonderful pair. I am keen to make enough difference between each prow in this series that, were one to collect them all, they would have enough variety to represent a fleet of individually crafted ships.

An extremely limited number (10 to be exact) of these prows have been reserved as matched pairs, allowing you to have the corresponding edition number in both pieces. You can discover more about this opportunity here.


As always, I thank my patrons who allow me to continue doing what I love.

~Aric Jorn